On July 6 Club President Harrison Cass passed the gavel to Chris Hurley and thanked club members for their work.
Three club members left the board after two-year terms. They are Erica Jacobson, Linda Laylin and Nick Hildebrandt. In sddition, Gail Calahan left as she resigned from the club. Joining the board for two-year terms are Katelyn Pedersen, Randy Johnson, Jennifer Lightbody, Marcella Ericson, and Dave Buck.
New District Governor Joe Gitta, who was our speaker on the 6th, has replaced DG Kathy Fahy, which means Jim Coloff is become next in line. On the international level, K. R. Ravindran from Sri Lanka has taken the helm from Gary C.K. Huang from the Republic of China.
Closer to home, Mary Beth Growney Selene from Madison, WI has completed her two-year term on the R.I. Board of Directors. Taking her seat is Jennifer Jones from Ontario, Canada. Her club is in zone 29 stretching from Indiana to New York and is paired with our zone, 28, in selecting representatives to the board. There are now four women on the RI Board, the most ever.