Current Paul Harris Fellows

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"+" Indicates that the individual is a Benefactor
(has contributed $1,000 to the Permanent Fund or made provisions in their will of
at least $1,000 benefiting The Rotary Foundation).

1,000 to 1,999.99 PHF original PHF pin
2,000 to 2,999.99 PHF+1 one sapphire
3,000 to 3,999.99 PHF+2 two sapphires
4,000 to 4,999.99 PHF+3 three sapphires
5,000 to 5,999.99 PHF+4 four sapphires
6,000 to 6,999.99 PHF+5 five sapphires
7,000 to 7,999.99 PHF+6 one ruby
8,000 to 8,999.99 PHF+7 two rubies
9,000 to 9,999.99 PHF+8 three rubies

-Paul Harris Fellows-

Allbaugh, David

Allbaugh, Kenneth

Anderson, Stan

Arthur, Thomas

Becker, Arnold PHF+1

Beecher, Bernard  

Beecher, John  

Bitter, Robert

Bovenmyer, Samuel

Braun, Kathleen PHF+1

Brock, Harold  

Brom, Richard PHF+1

Broshar, Michael

+ Buck, David PHF+8

Bunge, John

Cass, Harrison

Cortright, Kevan

Cox, Arthur

Crisp, Jay PHF+3

Dakovich, Milton

Dalton , Charles PHF+1

Edsil, Henry

Enderlein, Eugene

Entz, Joe

Ericson, Marcella    

Fromm, Mason

Gallagher, EJ

Gallagher, Edward PHF+1

Gallatin, Howard

Garmager, Kenneth

Ginther, Jay

Goldberg, J. Eugene

Hadlund, Ralph PHF+1

Halverson, Jeffrey

Happel, David

Hawse, John PHF+2

Heaton, Robert

Hein, Clair PHF+1

High, Robert

Humble, Bonnie PHF+1

Humble, Gregg PHF+1

Hurley, Tim

Johnson, James

Johnson, Ronald

Lederman, David

Lee, David

Leighty, Emile

Leighty, Ike PHF+3

Leonhart, Eugene PHF+1

Lindberg, Duane PHF+1

Locke, Jack

Locke, John

Mack, Michael

Maifeld, Gerald PHF+2

Manatt, Tim PHF+7

McCrindle, Kevin PHF+1

McKinley, Bernard

Miecznikowski, Robert

Miller, P. Lee

Nathem, Wayne

Oberman, J. Douglas PHF+1

Olesen, Roger PHF+1   

Platt, Richard

Priebe, Eldon

Rathjen, John

Robert, William
Rohlfsen, Todd 

Roths, William

Samek, Kenneth

Schmitt, Steven

Schoonover, Ross

Seng, Frank

Shirey, Craig +1

Showers, Stephen

Sinnott, Steven

Skahill, Timothy PHF+1

Smith, Berkley

Standford, Douglas

Steege, Betty

Thomas, Sydney

Thorpe, Stephen PHF+2

Trainor, Jean

Trost, Beverly

Van Note, Janet

Volz, Steven PHF+1

Walters, Carol

Weidner, Michelle

Wernimont, Kathleen

Whitmer, Jim

Wiele, Warren

Williams, Herbert

Winninger, Larry


 Updated 3/8/10