Itzhak Perlman Concert

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Sunday, November 8, 2009 was a great day for Rotarians in the Cedar Valley.

Itzhak Perlman's concert topped expectations, leading to six encores. The audience got plenty of excercise, rising to give standing ovations, including when the world-famous violinist came on stage the first time. Before the concert, 260 Rotarians and guests listened to Dr. Bob Scott's update on polio eradication. His message included severeal news items little known beforehand. Though the number of newly reported cases of polio worldwide is down only by 12 percent in the first ten months of the year, there have been no new cases reported in Pakistan since October 17; none in India since October 12, and none in Nigeria or Afghanistan since October 2 according to data from the World Health Organization. "I don't know if you realize what an amazing fact that is," Scott noted. Among the crowd were 50 Rotarians and guests from the Rotary Club of Marion which cancelled its holiday party to attend. Also two Rotary staffers from Evanston and Rotarians from Madison, Ames and Bettendorf joined the throng from our district. It was a grand event.   

Even after a full concert and six encores, Itzhak Perlman had time Sunday night to meet special guests, including club members Doug Oberman and Steve Thorpe. Members of our club gave Perlman a Paul Harris fellowship and made him an honorary member of Waterloo downtown Rotary. Click here for photos