Interested in getting more involved? Check out the list of committees available...
- Academic Honors Luncheon - April...See Lauren Finke
- Waterloo high school seniors recognized
- Ag Rural Day Committee...See Larry Steffens
- Area farmers invited and high profile speaker presents
- Alzheimer’s Awareness Committee…See Christine Hess
- Nationally recognized Rotary committee now we have locally
- Football Banquet...See Wade Itzen
- Waterloo high school football seniors honored
- Annual Summer Picnic...See Todd Wordel or Larry Steffens
- July event at Rotary reserve
- Membership Committee...See Amy Rousselow or E.J. Gallagher
- Sign up to help check in and badges at front desk with E.J.
- Recommend new members to Amy
- Operation Warm...Dave Lee
- Raise money for coats for children in Waterloo
- Programming Committee...See Cathy Nicholas
- Help line up programs for Rotary luncheons
- Reporter/Social Media Committee...See Mason Fromm or Jaclyne Heller
- Assist with articles and posts on Facebook
- Volleyball Banquet...See Barb Prather or Jaclyne Heller
- Honor high school volleyball seniors players