Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh will join us and share information on dementia at our meeting Monday.

Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh is a professor of Gerontology and Family Studies and has coordinated UNI’s Gerontology program since 2007. She has a master’s and PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from Iowa State University, and has been published in research journals such as the Journal of Poverty, Journal of Community Health Nursing, Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, and the Journal of Community Psychology. Dr. Eshbaugh has more than 30 research publications in empirical journals. She teaches courses such as Research Methods, Family Relationships, Psychology of Aging, and Families, Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias. She has collaborated with various continuing care communities, adult day services, and hospices.

In her free time, she enjoys doing semi-adventurous things with her husband (Bill), running, documentaries, hanging out with dogs of all sizes, and students who bring cookies to her office.



