Truth Be Told. We are Human. 

As we continue to "seek to understand rather than stay comfortable" we welcome Robert Ackerman to our First Mondays conversation.
Robert Ackerman is the coordinator of the One City United "To Work" Program whose sole mission is to provide transportation to and from work for individuals with transportation barriers. Getting to work consistently and on time daily is essential to removing stress and experiencing a thriving life. To Work was developed to provide a low-cost shuttle service that people can count on, helping them stay employed and equipped to succeed. It is just one more barrier that we can overcome to bolster our community towards success. Robert will share his story as a high level military professional, living an alternative lifestyle, and his journey from addiction to recovery. 

Please join us, invite guests, as we continue to generate a curiosity that emerges into compassion, empathy, and a shared perspective that breaks down barriers for you, and the people you do life with at home, work, and in your community.

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