Led by Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick, the 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference in Istanbul, Türkiye, 20-22 February 2025, will be an opportunity for the Rotary community and our partners to build on Rotary’s contributions to promoting peace by exploring:

  • Peace in a polarized world
  • Technology, media, and peacebuilding
  • Environmental issues in peacebuilding
  • Making peace last

The conference will also recognize the launch of the new Otto and Fran Walter Rotary Peace Center in partnership with Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul.

The three-day conference includes keynote speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions that will highlight the many ways Rotary members, program participants, partners, and community leaders can advocate for peace; share stories, insights, and ideas about building peace locally and globally; and foster meaningful conversations about promoting peace within our communities and beyond.

Don't miss this special, one-time event focused on ways to take action to advance the cause of peace and explore important issues of our time, including creating sustainable peace and healing in a divided world.

Registration for the Presidential Peace Conference is now open.

Learn more about the conference.

For additional questions, contact Istanbul25@rotary.org.
